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Thursday, September 27, 2018
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Where did the Haiku in this volume come from? First, in teaching philosophy at Pace University from 1965-2000, I specialized in existentialism—that school of thought which stresses the individual and “becoming what you are” in full freedom and creativity. This teaching taught the teacher to cross the line between all disciplines and relate to the world in its everyday concreteness. And somewhere along the line, I encountered a similar focus in the age-old wisdom of Zen Buddhism, namely to discover and live the sacred.
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My Wish List and Other Stories is connected to part 2 of the Catechism, "The Celebration of the Christian Mystery." These eight stories relate to the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. The characters in this collection of stories experience wonder and struggle, hurt and forgiveness, failure and success, and tears and laughter. You will enjoy them as wonderful stories about the joys and struggles of growing. And if you wish, they can serve as a starting point for searching out your own answers about life, God, and faith.
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The first four Adventures of Sophie Mouse books are now available in one enchanting hardcover collection!Join Sophie Mouse and her forest friends in Silverlake Forest as they make a new friend, look for special emerald berries, learn to swim at Forget-Me-Not Lake, build a fort at Butterfly Brook, and more! With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, this Adventures of Sophie Mouse collection which includes A New Friend, The Emerald Berries, Forget-Me-Not Lake, and Looking for Winston is perfect for beginning readers.
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Monday, September 24, 2018
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With the recent republication of Dr. Maynard Murray's Sea Energy Agriculture, readers rediscovered the forgotten legacy of an eco-ag pioneer. Murray's idea -- that ocean water contains a concentrated, perfect balance of trace minerals in bioavailable form -- seems almost as revolutionary today as when he introduced it three decades ago. In this fascinating book, Charles Walters examines Murray's career and the amazing successes that growers have experienced with his.
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Sunday, September 23, 2018
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Bringing together essays on topics related to Islamic law, this book is composed of articles by prominent legal scholars and historians of Islam. They exemplify a critical development in the field of Islamic Studies: the proliferation of methodological approaches that employ a broad variety of sources to analyze social and political developments.
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Friday, September 21, 2018
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IT STARTED with a message on her answering machine: JESUS SAVES SATAN INVESTS. Living comfortably off the spoils of her ill-gotten gain as the centerpiece of a blackmail ring, Janet did not need to know the caller was currently sharing trunk space with a fresh corpse. How could the day get any worse? Easily... Jesus Saves, Satan invests is an action packed warp-speed rollercoaster ride through hell with a few pit-stops to load up on ammo along the way.
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Thursday, September 20, 2018
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This textbook, based on the 2002 National Electrical Code, provides students with a comprehensive resource for the more complex wiring requirements of commercial installations. Special emphasis is given throughout to the importance of using the NEC as a reference tool. Softcover.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2018
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I was hired at Lincoln High after the teacher in my position quit the day before school started because of “working conditions.” That should have been a warning sign. Lincoln High was a school in failure. In my first month of work I saw students drop out and teachers quit, I was involved in gang brawls in the hallway, and I saw worse test scores than I ever thought possible. Lincoln High was in the bottom one percent of all high schools in the state. From my first year to my fourth year at LHS, the staff and many students attempted to turnaround the school. With help from an eight million dollar grant and a new administration, the school slowly began to improve.
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Perry Como put aside his career as a barber to become one of the top American crooners of the 20th century and also one of the first multimedia stars. His record sales exceeded 100 million. In 1948, Como was the first popular singer to cross over to television and The Perry Como Show became the benchmark for a broadcast music and variety show. Como's career illuminates developments in the music and television business in the middle of the last century. This biography features 73 photographs, a complete discography, a listing of all television appearances, and a year by year chronology of Perry Como's life from 1912 to 2001.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018
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This novel provides a vital and engaging picture of current psychotherapeutic practice. It describes scenes from the life of a psychotherapist, including vignettes of his clinical work which present an accurate and intimate picture of a clinician at work. The protagonist s career development and his own personal analyses provide a counterpoint to the clinical scenarios.
The forward momentum in the book is provided by the protagonist s romantic involvement with another clinician, and his attempts to be accepted for training at a prestigious psychoanalytic training institution. The denouement of the novel is an upbeat one.
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Sunday, September 16, 2018
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Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) is remembered, along with Copernicus and Galileo, as one of the greatest Renaissance astronomers. A gifted analytical thinker, he made major contributions to physics, astronomy, and mathematics. Kepler was trained as a theologian, yet did not hesitate to challenge church doctrine and prevailing scientific beliefs by supporting the theory of a Sun-centered solar system. As Imperial Mathematician to the Holy Roman Emperor, he analyzed the precise.
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Saturday, September 15, 2018
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Friday, September 14, 2018
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Thursday, September 13, 2018
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Hermeneutics as Politics, perhaps the most important critique of post-modern thought ever written, is here reissued in a special fifteenth anniversary edition. In a new foreword, Robert B. Pippin argues that the book has rightfully achieved the status of a classic. Rosen illuminates the underpinnings of post-modernist thought, providing valuable insight as he pursues two arguments: first, that post-modernism, which regards itself as an attack upon the Enlightenment, is in fact merely a continuation.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2018
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When experience with uncontrollable events gives rise to the expectation that events in the future will also elude control, disruptions in motivation, emotion, and learning may ensue. "Learned helplessness" refers to the problems that arise in the wake of uncontrollability. First described in the 1960s among laboratory animals, learned helplessness has since been applied to a variety of human problems entailing inappropriate passivity and.
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Thursday, September 6, 2018
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Clive Beaumont was diagnosed with Younger Onset Dementia at age 45, when his children were aged just 3 and 4. He had become less and less able to do his job properly and had been made redundant from the Army the year before.
Clive's wife, Helen, tells of how she and the rest of the family made it through the next six years until Clive died: the challenge of continually adapting to his progressive deterioration; having to address the legal implications of the illness; applying for benefit payments; finding nursing homes; and juggling her responsibilities as a wife, a mother and an employee. She also describes the successful founding.
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In 1973, a Who's Who of golf's greats gathered at the Oakmont Country Club for the U.S. Open. Among those favored to win were Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. Instead, Johnny Miller-a 26-year-old one time phenom from San Francisco-astonished the golfing world by edging out the legends and crafting a record-setting 63 to win by a single stroke.
Featuring extensive archival and video research and candid interviews with leading golfers of the era, Chasing Greatness beautifully captures one of the unlikeliest victories and dramatic sports triumphs of the past half century. Authors Adam.
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On May 18, 1845 Sir John Franklin set sail with a crew of 134 men on two ships, HMS Terror and HMS Erebus, in an attempt to find the Northwest Passage. The ships were last seen on July 26th by an Arctic whaler off the entrance to Lancaster Sound and from there they vanished, never to be seen again. A series of rescue expeditions discovered that disaster had overtaken the expedition and none of the crew made it out of the Arctic region alive. Sir John Franklin and the Arctic Regions, written 6 years after his disappearance, but before the final fate of him and his crew had been determined, sheds light on Arctic exploration in the 19th century and Franklin’s.
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While the success of national and international law enforcement cooperation to suppress organized crime means that stable, large-scale criminal organizations like the Cosa Nostra or the Japanese Yakuza have seen their power reduced, organized crime remains a concern for many governments. Economic globalization and the easing of restrictions on exchanges across borders now provide ample opportunity for money-making activities in illegal markets. Policies designed to stop illegal market flows often shift these activities to new places or create new problems, as the U.S.- led war on drugs.
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Robert Lebeck excels at capturing complex stories in deceptively simple compositions. Internationally recognized for his photojournalism and portraits of figures in the arts and culture, he is a master of interacting with his subjects in a playful manner that encourages them to open up-- revealing both the public figure and the hidden private emotions. While being candid, he never sought to shock or make his subjects uncomfortable--in doing so, he earned their lasting trust. They in turn granted him images that are iconic and highly personal like his portraits of personalities such as Willy Brandt, Alfred Hitchcock, or Maria Callas..
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Are you ready to rid your life of impatience and become patient in all aspects of your life? We have reverse engineered patience and broken it into it's main components, mental strength and calmness. We go into great detail explaining how to build these attributes to increase your patience, let go of irritability, and find your calmness. The most beautiful part of this approach is the inevitable by-product of the process. Long-term goal achievement. Are you ready to pursue,.
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